Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Bleachers #1

Bleachers, pair of 5 lb weights, pair of 10 lb weights, stop watch for timing

Either with a partner, or time yourself during each bleacher run, and that is the amount of time you have to complete the exercise and rest if available time.

6 up and down bleachers (Sunshine, how many steps do you think those bleachers were at the high school?) with the following exercises in between. Therefore a total of 8 bleacher runs (6 up and downs)

  1. 30 push-ups
  2. 40 walking lunges
  3. 30 shoulders (pull 5 lb weight up in front of you)
  4. 40 obliques (10 lb weights leaning to the side, or side sit-ups)
  5. 40 bicep curls (20 for each arm - 10lb weights)
  6. 30 shoulders (pull 5 lb weight up to the side of you)
  7. 30 squats
  8. 30 push-press (10 lbs above head)

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